Cloudy (Weather Mechanic)
Platform: PC / Genre: Action-Adventure / Project duration: 1 Semester / Team size: 4 / My task: Programming and Game Design (weather mechanic design and development, level design)
Cloudy tells the story of a girl (Beatrix), who tries to escape school bullying while reading in her books. There she fights against all troublemakers with the help of her emotions and tries to preserve a perfect world.
A cloud follows her, which allows weather interactions in the game world. These weather events express her emotional state. Each event has a different impact on the foes
Level Design
1 Meadow (Spawn) / 2 Village / 3 Farm /
4 Witch’s Cottage / 5 Forest & Graveyard / 6 Camp of the Intruders
The goal of the game is the elimination of the intruders. 21 of them are placed on the map. The below-visualized weather events provide three tools for the player and several play styles. For instance, the player can engage with a whole group of intruders, hurl them up and cast lightning on them.
Lightning (Fury)
Rain (Sadness)
Storm (Joy)
Spark of Light (Helmet Lamp Mechanic)
Platform: PC / Genre: Action-Puzzle-Adventure / Projekt duration: 1 Semester / Team size: 2 / My task: Game Design and Programming (gameloop and level design)
The Spark of Light puts some light on maintenance technicians, who actually only get attention if something doesn’t work
The player has to travel through the game world to identify the cause of a power failure. But evil creatures and other villains, which use the darkness to their advantage, try to prevent the player from the actual goal of restoring power supply
The most important gadget in this game is the helmet lamp. Through its use, it is possible for the player to look around, to recognize objects, and to observe opponents. The height or angle can be adjusted with the mouse.
The light cone is mirrored according to the direction of travel. The size of the cone of light correlates with the level of the battery. If the battery is empty, the lamp goes out and the game is lost
Skräp (Trash Spawn Mechanic)
Platform: PC (VR) / Engine: Unity / Genre: Action-Adventure / Projekt duration: 1 Semester / Team size: 2 / My task: Programming and Game Design (object spawn and object wash ashore mechanic)
Every year, 300 million tons of plastic are produced, of which probably more than 10 million tons end up in the sea. The aim of this game is to make this problem more tangible and to teach the player sustainable and unsustainable practices
In the game, the player retreated to a lonely island, but even here the player encounters the negative consequences of the consumer society.
By utilizing the intuitive need of grabbing objects in virtual spaces, this game builds up on a rather essential mechanic in VR. In Skräp, those objects consist of garbage, which is constantly washed up on the beach
If too much trash remains at the beach, the sea level rises and less space for sorted trash storage crates remains. A well-organized trash separation lowers the sea level